ZO Skin Health®
Founded by Dr. Zein Obagi in 2007, ZO® Skin Health was created to develop and deliver innovative skincare solutions that optimise skin health based on the latest advances in skin therapy technologies, unique delivery systems, bioengineered complexes and exclusive formulations. By providing comprehensive skincare programs for physicians and their patients, ZO Skin Health creates a continuum between therapeutic treatments and daily care, allowing patients to experience continuously healthy skin regardless of their age, ethnicity or unique skin condition.
Dr. Obagi’s legacy began with his initial quest to explain skin health, which he defines as skin that is naturally smooth, strong, firm, even-toned, hydrated and free of disease. His definition soon caught on with respected colleagues in the fields of dermatology and plastic surgery. This assisted physicians to achieve better treatment results after determining more appropriate solutions to a patient’s concern, rather than simply focusing on a diagnosis. His pioneering definition also included a Skin Classification System, enabling physicians to determine the best treatments and predict patient response based on an individual’s ethnicity and skin type.
At Fitzgerald Plastic Surgery, we have chosen the ZO Skin Health range, owing to its flexibility in creating bespoke solutions for different skin health concerns, budgets, goals, and expectations. It blends seamlessly with in-office treatments such as the stimulating, 3 step, and controlled depth peels, as well as treatments such as microdermabrasion, IPL photofacials, PRP, microneedling, and injectable treatments like fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. As we always say, having office treatments without using the right products on your skin every day, is like attending the dental hygienist regularly, but never flossing! The really exceptional results we see are always when patients combine the power of products used at home, with what we do in the office.